Floyd has been diagnosed with Diabetes. He is a very good sport abut twice a day insulin shots. Unfortunately he keeps over-cleaning his front legs. So I made his a fancy collar trying to help him out.
Just another Tripawds site
Floyd has been diagnosed with Diabetes. He is a very good sport abut twice a day insulin shots. Unfortunately he keeps over-cleaning his front legs. So I made his a fancy collar trying to help him out.
Floyd I’m sorry you have been diagnosed with Diabetes. It’s treatable thats the good part!
I love. your new collar I hope it’s helping ?
Any reason he is overly licking the front legs did the Vet have a reason for that? I only mention it because over licking can sometimes be a pain indicator.
Holly & Purrkins❤️
FLOYD!! You look exquisite in your fancy collar!! 🙂 Your Mom has a new career marketing these!
Very, very cute picture! Thanks for the smiles today.
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
If well managed, diabetes doesn’t have to stop a good long healthy life. Once under control and with regular bloodwork he can be like any other cat. I worked with animals for a long time, even pet sat special needs kitties with diabetes, kidney failure, and FIV. I don’t know that I ever saw excessive licking having a direct relation to diabetes. Holly is right, discomfort and stress can do it, allergic reaction to dietary change, or seasonal allergies can make that happen, as well as flea allergies. I have seen it a lot just above the tail on cats, the arms and paws on dogs. If he was bathed and not 500% rinsed of soap that can be an irritant. You might try to clean his arms and paws with a warm face cloth and make sure he didn’t get into anything. Otherwise I would ask your vet for advice and see what they say. Maybe three injections are stressing him, there are otc calming supplements you can try. Make sure you rotate injection sites regularly, that’s important! Please let us know how you do. Sometimes these blogs are hard too follow, send a pm if you need help and don’t get a response.
Take care,
Jackie, David, and Huckleberry
I appreciate all the helpful advice you all have been offering for Floyd. I feel blessed to have such an awesome support here.
The vet gave him 2 steroid injections for the itching we thought was impacting his arms before the diabetes diagnosis. Other than that, the vet has not been very helpful on this topic. I need to keep researching. He is too wonderful of a cat to give up on. In the meantime, he has 2 fancy collars I switch out when he gets them in the water bowl…
Hi Floyd!
That is a smashing collar! There’s not another like it in the whole wide world!!!
Purrkins is absolutely correct!!!
My Miss Lily had been diagnosed with diabetes prior to my adopting her. Having two shots of insulin per day. I was all geared up to take care of this diabetic kitty, but with aggressive treatment from our vet and a very strict diet, she came to us in remission!!!
We feed her DM wet food and as a very special treat she gets a few pieces of her brother’s dry kibble. Her check up at the vets two weeks ago showed her numbers were still holding fantastically!
Apparently cats are the only ones who can have full scale diabetes and with proper treatment, they can go into remission and stay that way with proper food and excersise management!
I sure hope you can figure out the reason for her over grooming herself!
Sloppy kisses from Stewie👅🐾
& head rubs from his adoring pack,
Petra, Paul, & his feline siblings, Mr. Spike, Chester Molester & Miss Lily 🐾🐾🐾❤️.